MPs, senators to adjourn sittings for Christmas holiday

MPs, senators to adjourn sittings for Christmas holiday
MPs, senators to adjourn sittings for Christmas holiday

Africa-Press – Kenya. Parliament is today set to adjourn its sittings for a long recess.

The holiday comes barely two months after the legislators returned from a month-long recess in September.

The recess is from December 8 until February 13, 2024.

During this period, all committee sittings will remain suspended.

Speakers of the bicameral House will notify the members of the adjournment during the Thursday afternoon session.

“Pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 28(3)relating to the Calendar of the Assembly, and the resolution of the House of Wednesday, 15th February 2023, the Speaker notifies that, upon the rise of the House at the appointed time today, regular sittings will resume on Tuesday, 13th February 2024 at 2.30 pm,” reads the notice on the order paper.

Generally, both the Senate and National Assembly have made key achievements during the year where several bills and motions have been considered.

A scorecard report released by Mzalendo Kenya in August on parliamentary performance shows that the Houses have fairly performed as per its expectations.

The report, however, states that 15 MPs have never spoken in the House.

Some of the bills passed are the Finance Bill, 2023, Division of Revenue and Appropriation Bills, County Governments Additional Allocation Bill, Supplementary Appropriation Bill and County Allocation of Revenue bill among others.

The senate also held its sittings dubbed Senate Mashinani in Turkana during the period.

The recess comes at a time when MPs have demanded the immediate disbursement of the Constituency Development Fund.

On Tuesday, MPs demanded the release of CDF before they proceed on the recess.

“We are now in the sixth month of the FY 2023/2024. As we speak since this House appropriated funds to the NG-CDF board for disbursement to respective NG-CDF committees, not a single cent has hit the bank accounts of these committees, and NGAAF,” Minority leader Opiyo Wandayi said.

The Ugunja lawmaker accused the Treasury of taking MPs into circles when it came to the matter of CDF.

Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u however told off the MPs when he appeared before the Finance committee saying the government was facing a cash crunch.

This, he said, has crippled the crucial operations of government.

Ndung’u also cited the reallocation of funds to mitigate the drought and floods in various parts of the country.

Each of the MPs receives Sh130 million from the Exchequer.

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