Rift Valley MPs rally behind Gachagua amidst division claims

Rift Valley MPs rally behind Gachagua amidst division claims
Rift Valley MPs rally behind Gachagua amidst division claims

Africa-Press – Kenya. A section of Rift Valley leaders has rallied behind Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua amidst claims of division in the Kenya Kwanza government.

The leaders on Saturday said they will back President William Ruto and his deputy Gachagua to enable them to fulfil campaign promises.

Led by Uasin Gishu senator Jackson Mandagor, the leaders said they are solidly behind the DP and his boss.

Mandagor asked the Mt Kenya leader to stop wrangles and focus on getting the support of people who did not back the Kenya Kwanza government.

“What we should be doing is looking for the support of those who did not back the Kenya Kwanza government. My message to Mt Kenya leaders is that they should stop going to fish for what they already have in the basket,” he said.

The leaders said they will support the President and Deputy President achieve development.

“President Ruto and the Deputy President are one. We are behind them and no one will come between them,” said Rongai MP Paul Chebor.

Sotik MP Francis Sigei on his part said:

“All of us from the South Rift to the North Rift, we are fully behind the President and Deputy President. We support you as you assist the President to serve Kenyans.”

Emurua Dikir MP Johanna Ngeno said the DP was instrumental in rallying support for Ruto ahead of 2022 polls saying they will stand with him.

“The Kenya Kwanza government is united and strong. We have decided we have only one President and one Deputy President. We can’t work so hard for this government and then we start having issues. Many of our people suffered when we were fighting for this Government but the Deputy President led the people to fully support the President. We will stand with the DP all through,” he said.

Tinderet MP Julius Melly stated:

“The Deputy President stood with us during tough times, he was arrested for standing and supporting the President. We will stand behind you and the President. Feel comfortable knowing we will not go behind your back.”

Eldama Ravine MP Musa Sirma said they will forge the unity of purpose as a government to deliver development to the people of Kenya.

“We will not allow anyone to come between the President and the Deputy President. We will be united behind all the two leaders,” he said.

The leaders spoke in Uasin Gishu on Saturday when they graced a fundraiser in aid of the Kesses Empowerment Programme. The DP was present

Gachagua called on lawmakers to focus on assisting President William Ruto to deliver on his mandate instead of succession politics.

The Deputy President said it is wrong for elected members allied to the Government to waste time moving from one county to another politicking instead of serving those who elected them and helping in the implementation of the Kenya Kwanza Administration’s agenda.

“I urge the MPs to stay in their Constituency and serve their people. The habit of political tourism must stop. This is what is giving us trouble,” he said at the event held at Seiyo Secondary School in the Constituency.

The DP also said his resolve to support the President is firm and will not be shaken.

“We said we will support the President fully. We support the President 100%. We will be behind the President because we have a 10-year debt. And we will pay the debt. We are working well with the President,” he said.

The Deputy President said the focus should only be on ensuring the President’s agenda is fully rolled out for the benefit of the people.

“As I lead as Deputy Presidenttogether with Cabinet Secretaries, Governors, senators, MPs, our focus should only be to help the President succeed. Period. Everything else can wait. 2032 succession politics must stop,” he added.

The DP was accompanied by Roads and Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen, Cooperatives and MSMEs Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui, Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii, Senators Jackson Mandago (Uasin Gishu), Samson Cherargei (Nandi), John Kisang (Elgeyo Marakwet), host MP Julius Rutto, David Lagat (Soy), Adams Kipsanai (Keiyo North), Onesmus Ngogoyo (Kajiado North), Samuel Chepkonga (Ainabkoi), Paul Chebor (Rongai), Jayne Kihara (Naivasha), Francis Sigei (Sotik), Gladys Boss (Uasin Gishu Woman Rep), Njeri Maina (Kirinyaga Woman Rep), Julius Melly (Tinderet), Joshua Kandie (Baringo Central), Gideon Kimaiyo (Keiyo South), Musa Sirma (Eldama Ravine), Johanna Ngeno (Emurua Dikirr) among others.

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