Over 2000 farmers receive farm inputs in Dairy and Coffee sector


AfricaPress-Kenya: More than 2,700 coffee and dairy farmers in Nyeri County have received farm inputs worth Sh4 million to boost production. Governor Mutahi Kahiga said farmers must continue with their activities to ensure food security as the county battles coronavirus spread.

“The county is giving manure worth Sh2 million for coffee farmers in Mahiga ward where 2,746 farmers are set to benefit and increase coffee production and quality,” he said.Farmers from Mahiga, Rukira, Kagonye, Kagere and Kamoko factories each received manure.

Rukira received 104 tonnes of manure for 760 farmers.“A total of 363 tonnes of manure was distributed with each farmer expected to receive 130 kilogrammes for their coffee bushes,” Mr Kahiga said

For dairy farmers, a total of 365 litres of acaricides worth Sh1.6 million were issued to 22 cattle dips in the county.

Nyeri Agriculture minister James Wachihi said the county government had initially operationalised 255 public dips, which were handed over to the community, but the number gradually dropped to 35. He said most of the cattle dips are located in Mathira West Sub-county.Dairy farmers cooperatives in Mweiga ward were issued with 39 milking gallons for milk storage and collection.

Nyeri County has 24 dairy cooperative societies and over 30 dairy-related self-help groups.


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