Police hunting for Garsen MP Ali Wario for declining Covid-19 test


AfricaPress-Kenya: Tana River police are hunting for Garsen MP Ali Wario Ashaka and his family who allegedly refused to be screened for coronavirus at the border of Tana River and Kilifi counties.

The legislator, who was travelling from Mombasa with his family, forced his way through a barrier manned by police at Kanagoni.The MP drove through the barrier after county officials tried to check their temperatures.

Speaking to Standard Digital MP Wario said his action was intentional because the testing is not accurate.

“I was fearing to get into contact with their testing equipment at the roadblock saying that their kits were not standard,” he said on phone.

In Tana River, residents appealed to the government to ensure the legislator is isolated.

‘’If he is not infected why can’t he be checked even if he had his own testing kit” a resident said.

On Monday the emergency response team led by Governor Dhadho Godhana resolved that roadblocks must be erected at the Kilifi border to check all motorists entering Tana River County.


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