ODM reaches out to Mudavadi, Wetang’ula


AfricaPress-Kenya: The political rivalry between ODM party leader Raila Odinga and his ANC counterpart Musalia Mudavadi played out yesterday at a burial in Kakamega County.

ODM leaders at the burial of Lugari MP Ayub Savula’s father, Arthur Angatia, at Manyonyi, Lugari Sub-county downplayed claims that Raila is using some Western leaders to undermine Mudavadi and Ford Kenya leader, Moses Wetang’ula.

The Orange party leaders welcomed Mudavadi and embattled Ford Kenya party leader Wetang’ula to the negotiation table. Siaya Senator James Orengo was categorical that ODM was ready to work with the duo for the sake of national unity.

“We are one big family and we would like to work together with everyone; be it COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli, Mudavadi and Wetang’ula,” said Orengo. The senator disclosed that two Western Kenya meetings will be held at Atwoli’s Kajiado home today with sources privy to the arrangements hinting that Raila will be in attendance.

It was, however, not clear whether Wetang’ula and Mudavadi would be attending the same meeting particularly after the two lashed out at the former prime minister for allegedly instigating the fallout in Ford Kenya.According to Orengo, both Raila and President Uhuru Kenyatta mean good for the country and their efforts ought to be supported by all.

Remain united

“The most important thing is for Kenyans to remain united. I cannot watch as Kenyans are subjected to sufferings by anyone including the Government or any State organ,” said the senator.Savula said he was aware of today’s meeting, which is meant to discuss how leaders from Western could be co-opted into various departmental House committees.

The lawmaker disclosed that they will be pushing for the appointment of MPs Bernard Shinali (Ikolomani), Busia Woman Representative Florence Mutua and Kanduyi MP Wafula Wamunyinyi into committee leadership positions.

“When Benjamin Washiali (Mumias East) was removed as majority chief whip, we ensured his position was filled by Emmanuel Wangwe (Navakholo),” he said.Both Oparanya and Wamalwa skipped the funeral, but sent their apologies.

The duo has been meeting elders from Western seeking their blessings after they were picked to represent the region.Kakamega Deputy Dovernor Philip Kutima urged leaders to work together.“We have those who have been in positions, but did nothing to address challenges facing our people,” he said.


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