Ruto allies oppose PM position, regional tiers


Jubilee politicians allied to Deputy President William Ruto yesterday vowed to reject any proposals in Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) to create more positions for a third tier of governance.

The leaders were speaking yesterday in Kamahindu village in Lari Constituency where they attended the burial of Ruth Wanjiku, the mother of Eldoret-based businessman Joseph Wainaina. Dr Ruto was also in attendance.

The leaders said they were opposed to any move to modify BBI, claiming there was a proposal to create positions of prime minister, deputy prime minister, 500 parliamentary seats and a regional government that will see the term of governors extended.They accused ODM leader Raila Odinga of “hijacking the good intention of the BBI process for his own selfish gains”, noting Kenyans were already burdened and any expansion of political seats would undermine the country’s development plans.

Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichun’gwa said the spirit behind BBI had been hijacked to create positions for leaders at the expense of the common mwananchi.“Before we create any political positions, let’s first get our youth employed, let’s ensure our coffee, tea and milk farmers get the best prices for their produce,” he said.

His Mathira counterpart Rigathi Gachagua accused Raila of having secret meetings with governors proposing for the establishment of regional governments which would benefit second term county bosses who are barred from running for a third term under the Constitution.

“We reject this proposal to create regional governments and other political positions that are likely to burden the Kenyans. What mwananchi needs is market for farm produce,” he added.Soy MP Caleb Kositany said the country was in support of BBI, but warned that there were plans to create another version.

“One BBI faction is led by ODM and is for the creation and expansion of the executive. The other one is Jubilee and is for poverty alleviation, wealth creation and jobs generation for the youths,” said Mr Kositany.

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria said the presidential system was the only way the Mt Kenya region can benefit, considering the region has limited parliamentary positions compared to other voting blocs.“In 2010, during the crafting of the Constitution in Naivasha, we agreed only a presidential system can benefit our people,” he said.Uasin Gishu Governor Jackson Mandago said thus:

“As far as we are concerned, there is only one BBI report and that is the one we are discussing because that is the report that carries the aspirations of the ordinary people.”When he rose to speak, Dr Ruto said he fully supports BBI as a complement to his union with President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2013.

He said all Kenyans would be involved and the Government would ensure that the BBI debate does not impede “our development programmes”.Ruto said his coming together with Uhuru was meant to end the cycle of violence witnessed in every election.

Leaders present

Other leaders present were Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia, MPs Johna Mburu (Lari), Kimani Ngunjiri (Bahati) and former Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri.The politicians warned that the country was slowly being taken back to the days of single party State where no one could dare criticise or oppose the ruling class.

They said Jubilee has been rocked with turmoil ever since the March 8, 2018, handshake between Uhuru and Raila.Kuria asked Uhuru and Raila to advise their brigades to stop humiliating Ruto allies in public.


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