Alice Wahome, Ndindi Nyoro expected at DCI office over Murang’a clashes


AfricaPress-Kenya: MPs Ndindi Nyoro and Alice Wahome are this morning expected to appear at the DCI regional office in Nyeri following the Sunday clashes that left two people dead in Murang’a.

After ordering their arrest on Sunday evening, Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai has directed the two to present themselves at the Central Region DCIO office for interrogation.

The two MPs have agreed to present themselves to the police vowing “not to bow down to intimidation.”

They have denied taking any role in the deadly clashes that preceded Deputy President William Ruto visit to Murang’a where he led a group of 49 MPs in a church service.

Rival groups clashed at Kenol township before the function leading to the death of the two while three others were injured.

Police also lobbed teargas at the AIPCA church compound just before the DP arrived.

The DP later apologised for the incident accusing police of being partisan in carrying out their duties.

MPs Ndindi Nyoro and Alice Wahome at a construction site in Kandara. They addressed the press to explain why they did not attend a Murang’a leaders meeting in Nairobi


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