Buy Lesotho goes an extra mile

Buy Lesotho goes an extra mile
Buy Lesotho goes an extra mile

Africa-PressLesotho. Buy Lesotho, an initiative formed by Basotho aimed at helping local businesses grow and become recognized internationally on Thursday launched the Pride Mark logo which

basically resembles pride and quality. Buy Lesotho initiative began in 2018 and was implemented by Basotho men and women in business who realized that sustaining their businesses requires working

together and supporting one another. Buy Lesotho Patron Relebohile Lephoto explained that the whole idea behind the initiative is to encourage Basotho to buy local products and support Basotho

businesses. He said it is only through supporting one another that Basotho businesses can grow thereby helping to boost and grow the country’s economy.

“This logo we are launching today will help us identify and distinguish our very own

products from other brands. When customers see this logo on a product, they will instantly know that the product owner supports local products and also

that they do understand the initiative,” he stated. Buy Lesotho Communications person and Strategist Lebohang Mohapi explained that for a business person to become a member of Buy Lesotho, their products have to be

environmentally friendly with production carried out in a clean environment. “We also have labour practices that we abide by; 50% local produce and 75% local

procurement,” he added. Tharollo Labour Law and Industrial Relations Consultancy, Executive Director Rethabile Sakoane mentioned that their mandate at Tharollo is to impart labour law to

employers and employees throughout the country. She added that they also sensitize employees about their rights at the work place, further noting that their job as Buy Lesotho is to audit the businesses under the initiative to determine whether they comply with national and international standards.


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