Matlama take legal action against LEFA

Matlama take legal action against LEFA
Matlama take legal action against LEFA

Africa-Press – Lesotho. Econet Premier League (EPL) giants Matlama Football Club (FC) have lodged a protest against the football governing bodies’ decision to end the 2019/20

footballing season and, rewarding leaders albeit a number of games remain on schedule. Lesotho Football Association (LeFA) National Executive Committee (NEC), Premier League

Management Committee (PLMC) reached this conclusion a week ago citing the ongoing forced Covid-19 break to be the main reason. The two bodies resolved

that the leagues should end and rewards be allocated as per the then current log standings. As such, the leading team; Bantu FC gets the title and two teams

from A division are promoted to the elite league. Another uncommon aspect was that the two bottom based teams on the log would not be relegated to the lower

division. This applied to all league divisions in both men and women leagues from premier to B divisions. This decision does not sit well with Matlama FC, who were second placed on the log

and perhaps still hoping to reduce the 16 points lead between their archrivals Bantu, with 8 games remaining in the 14 teams’ league. Both teams played 18 games,

wherein Bantu was on 50 points while Matlama had 34. However, Matlama Public Relations Officer (PRO), Tankiso Moletsane is against the fact that the decision to

challenge the ending of the season, is influenced by their tittle hopes. “All we want is justice. We want things to be done orderly and not otherwise.

Covid-19 is a natural cause and the regulations are very clear regarding the decisions based on the games/competitions affected by natural causes. I am sure were are not the only ones

unsatisfied because it affects us all,” he said. He continued, “There is no champion when the league is not completed. We will not tell LeFA what to do but our stand point is that there is no champion before

the league is completed and we all know this,” Matlama protest is set to sit on Friday before the Disputes and Protests Committee (DISPROCO). LeFA has since warned Bantu and PLMC of the matter as directly affected entities by the resolution of the committee.

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