MoH intensifies Covid-19 vaccination uptake

MoH intensifies Covid-19 vaccination uptake
MoH intensifies Covid-19 vaccination uptake

Africa-Press – Lesotho. The African Union (AU) through Africa Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH) launched a flagship partnership known as Saving Lives and Livelihoods in Lesotho on Wednesday. In his remarks, Southern Region, Africa CDC Coordinator Dr.

Lul Pout Riek revealed that the purpose of the launch is in line with the African CDC Covid-19 vaccine strategy to leave no single country behind and to support all Member States at their point of needs including Lesotho, which is to vaccinate at least 70% of the eligible 1.3 billion people on the African continent.

Dr. Riek emphasized the fact that Africa CDC is honored to launch the implementation of the flagship partnership known as Saving Lives and Livelihoods in Lesotho.

“There is no better time than now to launch this live saving initiative.

The time for this historic launch is now to align it with the country ownership, priorities and goals to vaccinate at least 70% of the eligible population in the Kingdom of Lesotho,” he noted. Dr.

Riek continued that the Saving Lives and Livelihoods program will include a strong focus on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) to enable the Kingdom of Lesotho citizens, particularly young people and rural populations to understand the safety and benefits of vaccination.

“I also wish to let you know that Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective and they help build immunity and keep one safe from getting seriously ill even if one does get Covid-19, thus avoiding hospitalization and unnecessary death,” he concluded.

Botswana Red Cross Society Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kutloano Mukokomani highlighted that Covd-19 vaccines are available in most parts of the world including Africa.

That Botswana Red Cross is the Lead in the project and coordinates 10 other African countries. Mukokomani said in Lesotho, the Lesotho Red Cross will be an implementing partner with Botswana Red Cross Giving an overview, World Health Organization (WHO) Country representative Dr.

Richard Banda indicated that the country has made strides with vaccination coverage of 44.6% but on the flipside, hundreds of thousands of people, including some high risk groups remain unvaccinated, which means they are more vulnerable to future waves of the virus.

“Let us continue working together to reach 70% of vaccination coverage. Our current vaccines remain highly effective against severe disease and death.

Until we reach high levels of vaccination, suppressing transmission remains essential. The pandemic will not magically disappear but we can end it, we have the knowledge and the tools. This initiative will provide communities with access to life saving vaccines,” Dr. Banda signified. The Minister of Health Hon.

Semano Sekatle pointed out that one of the lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic was that there is no replacement for partnerships, coordination and provision of effective leadership.

He expressed gratitude to Africa CDC and the implementing partners: Botswana and Lesotho Red Cross, AMREF Health Africa, MasterCard Foundation, the Ministry of Health and the Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL).

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