Kids Educational Engagement Project Lunches it’s 5th Book for School Children titled “Free to be me”

Kids Educational Engagement Project Lunches it’s 5th Book for School Children titled “Free to be me”
Kids Educational Engagement Project Lunches it’s 5th Book for School Children titled “Free to be me”

Africa-PressLiberia. The Kids Educational Engagement Project (KEEP) over the weekend launched its 5th book, titled: “Free to be Me” with aimed to educate gender norms and make difficult conversations with children easier to have as they grow.

The book was written by KEEP’s Executive Director, Brenda Brewer Moore. Mrs. Moore used the occasioned to express her passion for writing and promoting reading in Liberia as her motivation towards the success of the book.

“I have taken a renewed passion in facilitating and stimulating difficult conversations in our society… As a parent, I find that some of the difficult conversations include ones we need to have with our children”, she said.

She emphasized, “Writing a book to simply explain and educate about gender norms is an attempt to make difficult conversations with children easier to have.”

As part of the launched, Assistant Minister for Basic education at the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Felicia Katamba lauded KEEP and Ms. Moore for the immense work buttressing the Ministry of education’s effort in promoting the culture of reading. She recommended the book be used in high school curriculum to start up a gender conversation with Liberian parents and kids.

Meanwhile, Ms. Moore who is also the writer of four other books, namely: “DEDDEH knows all about Corona Virus”, “Sundaymah Adventure”, “All I need to know about Corona Virus”, and “My Body Is Gold” extended special thanks to OXFAM-Liberia who saw value in the idea of the book and supported financially in making this dream a reality.

The Kid’s Education Engagement Project (KEEP), is a national non-profit organization established in 2014, and has since been dedicated to promoting literacy and social justice in four counties: Montserrado, Grand Gedeh, Gbarpolu and Rivercess.

However, KEEP as an organization, has created several reading rooms and learning resource centers in Nine of Liberia’s 15 counties. It has also been involved in computer literacy programs with students in several counties in Liberia and have trained up to 100 children in basic computer literacy in the last two years.


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