Margibians laud Boakai’s BWI appointment

Margibians laud Boakai’s BWI appointment
Margibians laud Boakai’s BWI appointment

Africa-Press – Liberia. People of Margibi County applaud President Boakai for reconstituting the Board of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) in Kakata, Margibi.

Stakeholders, including youth leaders and eminent citizens of Margibi County, have lauded President Joseph N. Boakai for appointing Mr. P. Blama Malik Siryon, to the Board of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) in Kakata, Margibi.

Mr. Siryon, a native of Margibi, who is also Comptroller/Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Liberian Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI), was among scores of individuals and institutions appointed on April 28, 2024, on the restructured board of BWI by President Joseph N. Boakai.

Individuals and institutions appointed to the Board of Governors of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) include Jonathan Paye-Layleh, Representative of the Chair Ex- Officio, Member, Georgia E. Selli, Member, Francis S. Conyon, Member, P. Blama Siryon, Member, Minister of Education, Ex- Officio, Statutory Member, Representative of China Union, Member, Representative of ArcelorMittal, Member and Representative of Firestone Plantation Company, Statutory Member.

Others are the Ministry of Finance, Statutory Member, Ministry of Agriculture, Statutory Member, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Statutory Member, Ministry of Labor, Statutory Member, Ministry of Public Works, Statutory Member, the Alumni Association of the Institute, Statutory Member, Principal of the Institute, Secretary, Statutory Member and Principal of the Booker Washington Institute, Dr. Nancy T. Freeman.

Following his appointment, the national youth Chair of the People’s Unification Party (PUP), Joseph Orlando Beyan, took to his social media to applaud Pres. Boakai over Mr. Siryon’s appointment and expressed his utmost confidence in his abilities to deliver on the board’s mandate.

His words: “The appointment of Mr. P. Blama Malik Siryon on the Booker Washington Institute Board signified inclusive governance. Thanks, Mr. President. The BWI family and citizens of Margibi County are grateful for your wise decision.”

For his part, Vandalarks R. Patricks, a former senatorial candidate of Margibi County, also took on his Facebook, praising the appointment of Mr. Siryon. He expressed confidence in Mr. P. Blama Malik Siryon’s unwavering integrity, extensive experience, and exceptional technical expertise, saying his appointment would guarantee the successful implementation of innovative programs in line with the board and the president’s agenda for the institution. “I am deeply impressed with the appointment of Comrade P. Blama Siryon to the Board of the Booker Washington Institute, an institution striving to regain its stature as Liberia’s equivalent of MIT,” Mr. Patricks said.

He added that over time, he has observed the appointment of board members, often from the older generation, with scant representation of young, qualified, and competent individuals on various boards.

“I would also be extremely pleased to witness the appointment of resourceful and potential alumni, who are academically and professionally qualified, to the boards of public academic institutions. This perspective aligns with my views on Mr. Siryon,” Mr. Patricks said.

According to him, last year, Mr. Siryon reached out to him requesting assistance to rebrand the institution’s image, and it was quite moving.

Without any hesitation, they embarked on significant research to globally connect the institution.

“This networking effort culminated in BWI being recognized as one of the world’s best schools in 2023, a nomination that stemmed from the work we undertook for the institution.”

Meanwhile, other prominent Margibians have also commended the President for appointing other people of integrity to the institution.

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