Mary Broh ‘Threatened ‘with Contempt of Legislature

Mary Broh 'Threatened 'with Contempt of Legislature
Mary Broh 'Threatened 'with Contempt of Legislature

Africa-Press – Liberia. Members of the House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted on Tuesday to summon Mary Broh, the Chairperson of the Citizens Engagement Board (CEB), to answer ‘why she should not be charged with Contempt of the Legislature,’ for an act of obstructing the work of the House of Representatives.

The CEB chair and Director General of the General Services Agency (GSA) have been advised to come along with a legal counsel on December 9, at noon, according to the motion proffered by Lofa County District #5 Representative, Cllr. Bryan Howard, co-chairman of the House’s Judiciary Committee.

The House’s unanimous decision followed a blatant refusal of Madam Broh to appear before the Full Plenary in Session. Instead, she led a band of sanitation workers to the front gate of the Capitol, opposite the Executive Mansion, in protest of an invitation to probe her over allegations of abuse of power.

Gowned in traditional Kru attire, the General Services Agency (GSA) Director-General and a crew of 30 cleaners, in work gear with tools in hands, sang indicating that the first branch of government needs some facelift.

“Clean your place, clean your offices, clean your bathrooms…,” they chanted while dancing.

The singing and dancing of Madam Broh and her band of sanitation soldiers, armed with brooms and other cleaning materials, attracted hundreds to the scene, while others gazed over their shoulders as they strolled by to get a glance of what was unfolding. They sang loudly while holding their noses, indicating that the Capitol Building was full of stench.

After all, the Capitol, which is home to 73 Representatives and 30 Senators and the office of the Vice President, has over the years suffered issues of filthy bathrooms and poor upkeep, despite having highly paid politicians that have their offices there.

The arrival of Madam Broh and her band of sanitation soldiers, armed with brooms and other cleaning materials, attracted hundreds to the scene, while others gazed over their shoulders as they strolled by to get a glance of what was unfolding. They sang loudly while holding their noses, indicating that the Capitol Building was full of stench.

The CEB boss and team were expected to appear before the Plenary of the House of Representatives on Tuesday at noon to formally respond to an alleged complaint filed by Montserrado County District # 7, Rep. Solomon C. George, who alleged that members of the Citizens Engagement Board destroyed properties and violated rights, as well as flogged, handcuffed and imprisoned residents and people of Liberia.

Rep. George stressed in his communication that the destruction of properties included bananas and plantains, worth about L$4.7 million. Meanwhile, if Madam Broh fails to appear on Thursday, she will be guilty of contempt of the Legislature by default, followed by a vote of ‘no confidence, based on which the House of Representatives will write the President recommending her dismissal.

Political pundits believe that if the President is asked to dismiss Madam Broh and he fails to heed, the House of Representatives might stonewall the Executive’s priority bills to compel compliance.

This is not Madam Broh’s first invitation by the Legislature. During the 53rd Legislature, under the then-House Speaker Alex Tyler, she was ordered sent to the Monrovia Central Prison but her imprisonment was upstaged by a group of women under the guidance of former Superintendent of Montserrado County, Grace Kpaan.

Also, Madam Broh and Speaker Chambers, who was a mere lawmaker at the time, quarreled over his bitter stance against former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.

She led a crew of her ‘sanitation soldiers’ who sang songs in his original name, in which she claimed he criminally changed in the USA to “Bhofal Chambers”.

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