Motorcyclist President in hiding

Motorcyclist President in hiding
Motorcyclist President in hiding

Africa-Press – Liberia. John A. F. Kenyor, President General of the Federation of Motorcycles and Tricycles Unions of Liberia (FOMTUL), has been alarmed by persistent threats from conglomerates of noncompliant motorcyclists to have him murdered for what they termed a conspiracy with the government of Liberia to impose the ‘no-go-zone’ restrictions.

Kenyor, speaking from his hideout, narrates how he narrowly escaped death on Thursday, May 16, 2024, a day after authorities of the Liberia National Police enforced the much talked about ‘no-go-zone’ restrictions or motorcycles and tricycles in the main center of Monrovia.

Terrified, Kenyor stated that he and his family were attacked while enroute to their residence when they came under attack along the Paynesville Joe-bar when uncountable motorcyclists beat him mercifully, destroying his vehicle and attempting to set him ablaze before being rescued by officers of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), assigned at the Paynesville LEC substation allowing him to escape the angry motorcyclist from being killed.

He stated that even though authorities of the Liberia National Police had initially provided him security in the wake of the attack, police officers were withdrawn, leaving him vulnerable to attack since the weekend.

John A. F. Kenyor, denied ever compromising the interest of motorcyclist and tricyclist as being alleged.

Kenyor stated that he suspects hidden hands behind his recent attack by some former officials of the defund CDC and calls for an immediate investigation into current occurrences to ensure a secure society guarded by the rule of law and not jungle justice by a few.

“We begin to suspect hidden hands behind recent attacks on me and willful non-compliant posture by some members of the Federation of Motorcycles and Tricycles Unions of Liberia (FOMTUL).”

“The attack on my person is unprovoked as I always stood in the gap of all Motorcycles and Tricycles across Liberia, even those who have refused to be members of the Federation of Motorcycles and Tricycles Unions of Liberia (FOMTUL). However, for some misinformed motorcyclist to be influenced to attack me is unfortunate and must be investigated. Look, we negotiated with the government at all lengths to bring us to where we are with only two ‘no-go-zone’ restrictions. Initially, the government had opted to institute eight areas to enforce the ‘no-go-zone,’ but due to our persistent pleas with the government, we settled on two areas into the main city center of Monrovia.” John A. F. Kenyor, President General of the Federation of Motorcycles and Tricycles Unions of Liberia (FOMTUL), told the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper from his hideout.

Mr. John A. F. Kenyor, President General of the Federation of Motorcycles and Tricycles Unions of Liberia (FOMTUL), said at the moment, he and his family are sleeping from one location to another for fear of being murdered by a motorcyclist.

“I call on the LNP and the government of Liberia to rescue me. My family and I are very worried. At the moment, we are sleeping from place to place. I’m calling on President Joseph N. Boakai, Police authorities, and the Ministry of Justice to come to our rescue before it gets late.”

“Some of those guys are former fighters and are dangerously armed.” John A. F. Kenyor, President General of the Federation of Motorcycles and Tricycles Unions of Liberia (FOMTUL), concludes.

On behalf of the family, Emmanuel S. Kenyor, older brother of John A. F. Kenyor, stated that the family is living in fear as a Motorcyclist over the weekend attack of another brother, mistaking him for John A. F. Kenyor.

“The situation is serious. These attacks have extended to the Kenyor Family.”

“We call on the government of Liberia to bring to justice those motorcyclists recently arrested while attempting to set ablaze our son John A. F. Kenyor. This country cannot continue on this path; this is a country of law, and we cannot have roaming men seeking people to harm.” Mr. Emmauel S. Kenyor stated.

Last weekend, the Liberia National Police (LNP) arrested a motorcyclist identified as Christian Smith for illegal possession of a firearm.

In a press release bearing the signature of DCP. Cecelia G. Clarke, LNP Spokesperson, the police noted that on Saturday, 18 May 2024, at about 5 AM, suspect Christian Smith violently ran through a police checkpoint at Vamoma Junction along Tubman Boulevard.

The release further stated that the responding Officers’ report stated that while cyclist Smith was escaping, he ran into a moving vehicle in the opposite direction when he saw a Police vehicle ahead of him.

As a result of his accident, the LNP disclosed that he sustained fractures on his left heel, knee, and ankle and was rushed to the trauma procedure room at the JFK Hospital.

“During the medical examination, he was discovered with a single barrow short gun and two rounds,” the release said.

“Currently, the accident victim, now suspect, is under police custody while undergoing treatment, pending investigation,” the release concluded.

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