Political and economic stability a way to build nations – Chakwera

Political and economic stability a way to build nations – Chakwera
Political and economic stability a way to build nations – Chakwera

Africa-Press – Malawi. President Lazarus Chakwera says creation of political and economic stability around the world is a way to build nations and forge a new path for international relations. Chakwera made the remarks at the African Brain Trust foreign policy forum for the congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington DC.

In his address, Chakwera called for collaboration between nations. He said the jostling for dominance of the world’s largest economies has left the shared environment severely degraded.

The Malawi leader observed that vulnerable nations become easy targets for radicalization and extremists’ ideologies when there is economic inequality, unsustainable debt, spread of global pandemics, continued nuclear proliferation and deepening of poverty around the world.

He further pointed out that the top priority for the foreign policy of the world’s major powers especially the United States of America has to be creation of stability by making the global political and economic systems more equitable, sustainable and accessible for poor nations so that they develop resilient and productive economies.

“The race that America can win in Africa is to build Africa into a capable labour force, a robust centre of innovation, production and develop continent with modernised infrastructure.

“In a vulnerable country like Malawi, American’s top priority must be investment in agriculture, health, education, trade and infrastructure, among others.” he said.

The president has therefore commended the US government for awarding Malawi with the second Millennium Challenge Compact which will support Malawi’s vision.

Chakwera further said the global crisis such as climate change, public health, food security and economic volatility are not solvable without multilateral relations between nations.

He therefore said there is need to redefine relationships that exist between nations to move away from oversimplification of extreme binaries to reflect and accommodate the complexity, diversity and responsibility of all nations.

“The new path calls for more respectful honesty in our diplomacy, to say out loud things we are all silent about and mutual respect with whom we associate and disassociate.”

In her remarks, US representative for California for Congressional Black Caucus Congresswoman Karen Bass said African nations need Presidents of Lazarus Chakwera’s caliber.

She said Chakwera is one of few presidents in Africa who openly points out what nations are facing and what is expected of developed countries amidst a global crisis.

She said Chakwera’s administration set a commendable number of goals that includes promoting good governance, political inclusion, rule of law and economic development.

Bass said president Chakwera needs to be fully supported as his government’s goals will uplift people’s lives and transform Malawi if solutions and resources are extended to Malawi and Africa at large.

She congratulated President Lazarus Chakwera on the Millennium Challenge Compact Award saying it demonstrates the trust for the current leadership and vision to transform Malawi.

Black Caucus Foundation was formed in 1971 with the aim of advancing the global black community by developing leaders and in forming policy among others.

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