Calls grow for Matola to resign over ‘frogs’ remark

Calls grow for Matola to resign over ‘frogs’ remark
Calls grow for Matola to resign over ‘frogs’ remark

Africa-Press – Malawi. Matola is under fire after the remarks he made in Dedza when the President commissioned solar power plant on Monday. Action Hope Malawi Executive Director Sammy Aaron told Malawi24 in an interview that Matola needs to apologize to Malawians within 24 hours over the dehumanising remarks.

“Apart from apologising to the nation, we want the minister to also resign from his ministerial position because of his remarks which labelled Malawians as frogs for simply complaining of the president’s tours,” he added.

Aaron who is also chairperson for Zomba based Civil Society Organisations said Matola went out of bounds and also took Malawians for granted on issues of national interest.

He said Malawians elected the Tonse Alliance government into power for good reasons and one of the reasons being that the Tonse Alliance government should be accountable to Malawians on issues of good governance and democracy. The Action Hope Malawi has therefore given Matola 24 hours ultimatum to apologise.

“We’re giving Ibrahim Matola 24 hours to apologise to Malawians failing which there will be demonstrations,” Aaron said, adding that this was not the first time Matola uttered such dehumanising statement citing abusive language against former Malawi Electoral Commission Chairperson, Justice, Dr, Jane Ansah.

“This is not the first time for Matola to make such bad remarks because he also uttered bad remarks to former Malawi Electoral Commission Chairperson, Justice Jane Ansah and this prompted former president Joyce Banda to condemn him over his remarks,” he added.

He also asked President Chakwera to condemn the remarks saying it was unfortunate that the president did not condemn Matola right at the event. “We appeal to the President Chakwera to condemn Matola because the president said nothing after his minister uttered the remarks right at the event in Dedza” Aaron said.

Matola is currently under fire from different quarters of the society over his remarks in Dedza on Monday when the President Chakwera commissioned solar power plant.

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