CDEDI pens Parliament over security lapse

CDEDI pens Parliament over security lapse
CDEDI pens Parliament over security lapse

Africa-Press – Malawi. The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has penned Parliamentary Committee on Defense and Security to summon Police Chief and minister responsible for Homeland Security over the recent murder cases in Malawi.

In a letter addressed to Committee Chairperson Ralph Jooma, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa urges the leadership to treat this important matter with the priority and prominence it deserves. Namiwa says his organisation will be forced to take action if nothing happens.

His calls are coming after a spate of murder cases that are gradually becoming order of the day and the climax of it all being three cases of cold blood murders of Coca-Cola Beverages Sales Manager Allan Witika, a lady known as Agnes Katengeza, and another known as Mr. Jacob Msokera, within a space of five days.

“Today, Malawians are their own witnesses on how dangerous it has become to live in this country. Almost each and every citizen has been affected directly or indirectly with the security breakdown,” writes Namiwa.

He adds that apart from scaring away potential investors, the total security breakdown is counterproductive since no one is sure of what would happen to their own lives and property.

“As a result the citizens are living in fear, hence not concentrating on anything.

In view of the above, CDEDI is requesting your committee to invoke its constitutional powers to summon both the Homeland Security Minister, Hon Ken Zikhale-Ng’oma, MP and the Inspector General (IG) for the Malawi Police Service (MPS) Madam Merlyn Yolamu, to

appear before the committee to justify to Malawians on why they deserve to continue drawing tax payers’ money from the public purse, when it is apparent that they do not have a clue of whatsoever to curb the current security breakdown,” he said.

CDEDI is among several stakeholders who have spoken against the current state of affairs concerning the security. For example Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) Chairperson Michael Kaiyatsa has also called for an immediate response to address the matter.

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