Chakwera eluogises the departed Namibian president, calls him a national asset

Chakwera eluogises the departed Namibian president, calls him a national asset
Chakwera eluogises the departed Namibian president, calls him a national asset

Africa-Press – Malawi. Malawi President Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera has bemoaned the loss of Namibian President Dr Gage Gottfried Geingob whom he has eulogized as a national hero and his passing a great loss to the Namibian people.

Namibian President Hage Geingob died urged 82 in the early hours of Sunday, 4 February, 2024 a month after announcing that he had been diagnosed with cancer.

Speaking in Namibia on Saturday, Chakwera said Geingob was a statesman.

“We have come to one of Africa’s greatest nations to escort one of Africa’s greatest sons on his greatest journey home. From all over the world, we have been summoned; summoned here by the sound of two and a half million Namibian hearts breaking from the passing of a national father, ” he said.

Chakwera returns in the country today.

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