Chakwera says government to devise interventions for averting hunger

Chakwera says government to devise interventions for averting hunger
Chakwera says government to devise interventions for averting hunger

Africa-Press – Malawi. President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera has disclosed that his administration is devising measures for averting food crisis in the wake of the prolonged dry spells the country is facing.

Chakwera, who was responding to a question from Thyolo Thava legislator, Mary Navicha, in the National Assembly, stated that the government is awaiting the outcome of an assessment on the impact of the drought before undertaking to implement the measures.

But the President was quick to caution MPs against instilling what he termed as the ‘spirit of despair”, but a message of hope despite the unfavourable weather conditions.

Chakwera also advised the farmers to seriously consider ven…

[5:12 pm, 21/02/2024] Watipaso Mzungu JNR : Commentators commend Chakwera for adhering to constitutional obligations

Nyasa Times Reporter

Governance and socio-political commentators have commended President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera for respecting and adhering to the constitutional order by answering questions from members of Parliament (MPs) in the National Assembly.

President Chakwera is the first Malawi leader to observe the rule of the law to the letter by facing lawmakers in the august House.

Since his election in June 2020, the President has responded to the MPs’ questions in parliament four times.

Former president Bakili Muluzi picked MPs’ questions in parliament only once.

Renowned Governance and Human Rights Advocate, Undule Mwakasungula, commended Chakwera for being true to his campaign promises to respect the rule of law.

Mwakasungula said by appearing before the MPs and answering their questions, the Malawi leader had demonstrated that he is accountable and transparent in his dealings.

“This is very commendable and a welcome development in as far as democracy consolidation is concerned,” he reacted.

In his remarks, Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) national coordinator, Kelvin Chirwa, said constant engagement between the President and legislators is key in building democracy and shedding light on key national issues, providing much-needed clarity after the State of the Nation Address (SONA).

Speaking to the national broadcaster earlier, another commentator, Humphrey Mvula, underscored the significance of this interaction, noting that it offers an opportunity for the President to address misunderstandings among the legislators.

“Submitting to scrutiny in the August House is a hallmark of democratic governance,” Mvula emphasised.

Additionally, a good governance expert working with the Transparency Initiative, Nicholas Mwisama, had urged the lawmakers to treat the interface with Chakwera as a serious national duty from which Malawians expect meaningful engagement on national policy matters “and nothing else”.

“Malawians look forward to hearing policy questions, such as how the resuscitation of the Malawi Development Corporation will boost the economy. We need a clear and measurable plan over a specific period. It is also very important for MPs to engage the President on his practical commitment to dealing with corruption,” Mwisama said.

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