Energy minister Kambala Bemoans lack of transparency at NOCMA

Energy minister Kambala Bemoans lack of transparency at NOCMA
Energy minister Kambala Bemoans lack of transparency at NOCMA

Africa-PressMalawi. National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA) deputy chief executive officer (CEO) Helen Buluma has been at the centre of controversies at NOCMA BLANTYRE-(MaraviPost)—As Malawians are still debating shady deals happening at National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA), Minister of Energy Newton Kambala has blamed National institution for not being transparent in the fuel imports deals.

Kambala who said this in Parliament on Monday when presenting his ministerial response on the Natural resources committee fuel report, said the country is in this fuel import mess due to lack of transparency. Kambala also faulted NOCMA for not responding to Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority – MERA that was recommending two new fuel import suppliers.

Kambala who further disagreed with the Natural resources committee on the recommendation that the President should fire the MERA Board said the Committee had no mandate as that mandate is with Public Appointments Committee – PAC upon conducting an inquiry into the competence of the Board.

But reacting, Werani Chilenga Chairperson of the Natural Resources Committee of Parliament said the minister was not supposed to comment on the issue, as it is being investigated by ACB. He further said the minister is compromised as he has already taken a side on the matter.


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