Female police officers in operation Basadi

Female police officers in operation Basadi
Female police officers in operation Basadi

Africa-Press – Malawi. Malawi female police officers from all 41 Policing stations conducted an intensive three-day operation called Basadi to display the active role female police officers play in law enforcement.

“Basadi” which literally means ‘women’ in Sotho and Tswana languages is an operation by female police officers across countries in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region and it focuses on combating priority crimes particularly against women and children, such as defilement, rape, assault, human trafficking, domestic violence and child labour among others.

The SADC region operation was established in 2013 under the theme: “We are on it, gender-based violence must stop.” Basadi operation normally takes place twice annually and every female police officer in the SADC region is expected to participate.

The operation was in the midst of 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. The female security providers were led by its Chairperson, Assistant Commissioner of Police Jessie Nyirongo who is also the South West Region Anti-Motor Vehicle ln-charge.

During the exercise, the women in uniform from Mzimba arrested 12 suspects who are suspected to have committed various offences including murder and defilement on the night of Monday.

Ntcheu Police Women Network apprehended three suspects and recovered a mattress at Mphepozinai while in Thyolo, Victor Ndalama, 28, of Chibwana Village, Traditional Authority Nchitamwera was arrested after he assaulted his wife for taking longer while at the market where she went to buy relish.

On the same, female enforcers from Lunzu Police arrested Tamandani Mpokosa, 25, from Mwethiwa Village, Traditional Authority Changata in Thyolo who stole a three week old baby at Chilimba Market on November 29, 2021 and had been on the run while Kanengo arrested Steven Chamama 28, of Funsani who raped a 22-year old woman on November 26, 2021.

Nkhotakota, Limbe, Ndirande and Nkhunga apprehended suspects who were found in possession of Indian hemp. The female cops also dated various communities to preach GBV related issues. In a rare scenario, Ndirande Women in uniform hiked to the top of Nyambadwe hills where a lot of people go to worship where they encouraged them to report GBV cases to the relevant authorities and also gifted the congregants with packets of sugar. Lilongwe Police visited pregnant women at Bwaila Hospital Maternity Wing while female cops in Mchinji cautioned traditional healers on GBV issues.

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