Forex shortage: Castel suspends production of Malawi Gin

Forex shortage: Castel suspends production of Malawi Gin
Forex shortage: Castel suspends production of Malawi Gin

Africa-Press – Malawi. Castel has suspended the production of Malawi Gin, Premier Brandy and Malawi Vodka due to a shortage of forex in the country. The company has announced this today in a statement.

“Castel Malawi has temporarily suspended the production of spirits due to the persistent shortage of forex in the country at the moment. The business is currently failing to bring in packaging materials to sustain the supply of these loved spirit brands,” reads part of the statement.

According to Castel, the situation has been worsened by the high excise rates spirits attract that push the prices up. “The temporary suspension of production becomes the only decision for the business in the current environment,” the statement says.

The company has since said it will advise regular customers when more favourable conditions will be in place to restart the production of the products.

Apart from spirits, Castel also produces beers such as Kuchekuche and Carlsberg. A few weeks ago, the company raised prices of its products due to devaluation of the Kwacha.

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