Malawi receives additional funding to end Malnutrition

Malawi receives additional funding to end Malnutrition
Malawi receives additional funding to end Malnutrition

Africa-Press – Malawi. Five districts in the country are set to benefit from the MWK6.3 billion additional funding that the Germany Government has provided Malawi for Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) project.

Districts to benefit from the funds are Blantyre, Dowa, Nsanje, Phalombe and Lilongwe. Receiving the funds, Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda said the support is timely as the country is struggling with the hunger crisis.

“The support comes at a time when Malawi is dealing with a challenging food security situation where 4.4 million people are expected to face high level of acute food insecurity between October 2023 to March 2024,” said Chiponda.

She added that the continued support from the Germany government will help the country to step up efforts that will improve lives and build resilience among vulnerable groups. On her part, Germany Ambassador to Malawi Ute Konig said every human being needs a balanced diet that is why they provided the additional funds.

According to the Integrated Household Survey of 2020, through the SUN programme by the Germany government with technical support from UNICEF, stunting among under-five children has been reduced from 37 percent in 2016 to the current 33 percent.

The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) programme has been running since 2011, and the total amount towards the programme is pegging at 44.55 million euros since 2016.

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