Trapence praises Chakwera for 2024/25 budget

Trapence praises Chakwera for 2024/25 budget
Trapence praises Chakwera for 2024/25 budget

Africa-Press – Malawi. Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) Chairperson Gift Trapence has described the budget presented by Minister of Finance Simplex Chithyola Banda as developmental budget since most of the spending will go to infrastructure development and production.

Speaking in an interview after budget presentation on Friday in Parliament, Trapence said: “This is good for the development of our nation as road network is very bad and need serious attention.

” However, Trapence noted the gap in the budget on how government will mitigate hunger and dry spell the country is experiencing.

“Funding allocation to Admarc is very small and government should be clear on how it will import maize for the next fiscal year,” he said. Trapence added that he will give a comprehensive analysis later but he expects Members of Parliament to increase allocation to Admarc.

On his part, Executive Director for Action Hope Malawi Sammy Aaron said he was very impressed because the minister tackled all areas people have been expecting.

“I am very happy that government has emphasizes on irrigation to boost food production to address hunger situation the country has been experiencing,” said Aaron. He also commended government for reducing taxes saying this will also improve welfare of Malawians.

However Aaron said he is waiting to hear the percentage at which government will increase salaries of civil servants to cushion then to the effects of devaluation.

Youth and Society Executive Director Charles Kajoloweka said the budget gives hope especially on investments through agriculture, tourism and mining. He noted that the K28 billion allocation to Loans Board will help to reach out to many needy students in different universities.

Nonetheless, he asked the ministry to increase the budget to K30 million as proposed. Kajoloweka further asked government to increase upkeep allowance for government interns from current K80, 000.

Head of European Union delegation to Malawi Ambassador Rune Skinnebach said 2024/25 budget for Malawi focuses on development, production and economic recovery.

Presenting the budget on Friday, Minister Chithyola Banda said the budget is aligned with State of National Address presented by President Lazarus Chakwera.

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