UNIMA law finales demand degree transcripts without graduation, threaten mass protests

UNIMA law finales demand degree transcripts without graduation, threaten mass protests
UNIMA law finales demand degree transcripts without graduation, threaten mass protests

Africa-PressMalawi. Disgruntled finales of law studies at the University of Malawi, formerly Chancellor College, have warned that they will take to the streets should the college continue withholding their professional transcripts.

The finales complain that delays by the university management to release their degree certificates is disadvantaging them, as they cannot apply for jobs without the papers. They have since demanded that the college should release their degree certificates without holding an official graduation or face mass protests.

“There have been two vacancies at the Malawi Legal Aid Bureau, which we could apply for, but we failed because they are not giving us our degree certificates. We have been treated unfairly and deprived of our right to employment,” said one of the students who is currently residing in Blantyre.

The concerned students form part of the finales who were excluded from the virtual graduation in April 2021 because they were taking supplementary examinations.

They were promised that the college would organize another graduation for them in June 2021. But five months down the line, the college is yet to announce the date for the graduation. This has prompted the finales to demand that they be given their professional transcripts without a graduation.

“Our efforts to engage former Chairperson of the UNIMA Council Prof Jack Wirima was responded with insults. Now our sources at the UNIMA say the reason nothing is happening is because of infighting at the top of UNIMA Management.

“We are now contemplating demonstrations to force President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, who is the UNIMA Chancellor, to intervene,” added another student.

State House Acting Presidential Secretary Anthony Kasunda is yet to respond to our questionnaire on what the President will do to bail the students out.


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