We are developing plans to recruit more teachers – Nyalonje

We are developing plans to recruit more teachers – Nyalonje
We are developing plans to recruit more teachers – Nyalonje

Africa-PressMalawi. Minister of Education Agnes NyaLonje says her ministry is developing plans to recruit more primary and secondary school teachers. She made the remarks yesterday when she presided over the graduation ceremony for award of Diplomas and Degrees at Domasi College of Education to 411 graduands.

According to Nyalonje, her ministry will in in the next few weeks reveal more details on recruitment of teachers. “In keeping with Government’s commitment to uplift the teaching profession, I can announce today that we are developing plans to recruit more primary and secondary school teachers to begin to address the challenges faced by our schools,” said Nyalonje.

The Minister also said that Government recognises the gap that exists between the reality of the education system and the education system that is desired for the teachers.

She also spoke about the need for a system where every child completes secondary education, and that those completing secondary education have enhanced opportunities for tertiary education, either through higher education or through technical and vocational training.

“We cannot allow the situation to continue where only 16% of secondary school age children attend secondary school and less than 1% of our children proceed on to tertiary education.”

“Such a long-term vision requires substantial and continued long term investment. It requires investment in infrastructure and bricks and mortar. It also requires a substantial investment in our teachers; and it requires us to develop the profession so that teachers are supported, recognised and valued for the contribution they make to our nation,” said Nyalonje in a the speech posted on the Ministry of Education Facebook Page.

But commenters on the page faulted Nyalonje for continuing to make promises instead of taking action in order to ensure more teachers are recruited. “Why do you always promise what you cannot accomplish? You started saying this from the time you just assumed the ministerial position till now you are still murmuring. Why should we trust you this time? What we want now is action not empty promises,” said Fortune Simango.

Another commenter, Augustine Ndelewa, argued that Nyalonje’s speech has shown that the Ministry of Education has no priorities in teacher education, teacher recruitment and commitment to reduce pupil-qualified teacher in schools.

“Teachers are being trained aimlessly NO wonder we have many cohorts of trained teachers unrecruited, no any Teacher recruitment plan despite growing demand for teachers in schools.

“It’s high time the Ministry should train Teachers it can only absorb into the system than spending tax payers’ money on training more and more and damp them as the case of IPTE13 &14,” said Ndelewa.


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