A 14-year-old teenager from Mauritius received his first dose


A 14-year-old man from Mauritius became Quebec’s first teenager to take a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Friday.

It is because of his great anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) that Steven Bilodo received his doctor to get the vaccination quickly.

The teenager was in constant fear of catching the virus, wore three masks at the same time in school and no longer went to the hospital for her various follow-ups.

“As soon as I woke up in the morning, I emptied the entire soap bottles. I could not stop. I bought Purell, I set up disinfection stations in such a place (…), I could spend 20 to 25% of my day, ”he explained in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

“Everyone at my age was not a normal life, being able to go to school easily with a simple mask. Everything was at its peak with me: three masks, difficulty going to school, disinfecting everything, washing myself every time I came back from school… There were a lot of things that made my daily life difficult. “

Armed with a note from his family doctor and his health insurance card, Steven Bilodo was denied the first vaccination center before taking his first dose of Pfizer / Bioentech Serum.

“Life has done things well, I have been vaccinated. My mother helped me a lot, ”he said.


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