Mauritian and Burundian Foreign Affairs Ministers discuss ways to enhance tourism and agriculture through bilateral cooperation

Mauritian and Burundian Foreign Affairs Ministers discuss ways to enhance tourism and agriculture through bilateral cooperation
Mauritian and Burundian Foreign Affairs Ministers discuss ways to enhance tourism and agriculture through bilateral cooperation

Africa-Press – Mauritius. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation of the Republic of Burundi, Ambassador Albert Shingiro, paid a courtesy call on the Attorney General and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade, Mr Maneesh Gobin, yesterday, in Port Louis.

The courtesy call was followed by a bilateral meeting. He was accompanied by a delegation comprising Senior Political Advisor for Special and Strategic Matters, Mr Bernard Ntahiraja; and the Protocol Advisor, Mrs Aline Birgirmania.

In a statement, Ambassador Shingiro asserted that the primary objective of the meeting was to explore the potential for enhanced bilateral relations between Burundi and Mauritius. He emphasised the advantages of mutual knowledge and skills sharing to facilitate progress in both countries.

Discussing advancements in technology and evolution, Ambassador Shingiro highlighted Burundi’s significant progress in the agricultural sector which sustains a population of 13 million without having to import essential food commodities.

He highlighted the country’s self-sufficiency in basic food production and mentioned that imports are limited to luxury food items. Addressing the importance of food security, the Ambassador underscored Burundi’s commitment to sharing its agricultural knowledge and experience with Mauritius.

In return, he acknowledged Mauritius’ expertise in sugarcane production and expressed the need for assistance to develop a similar capability in Burundi, as the locally produced sugar falls short of meeting the needs of the 13 million consumers.

Ambassador Shingiro also commended Mauritius’ thriving tourism sector and expressed the hope for support in expanding Burundi’s tourism industry. He dwelt on the economic benefits of further developing the tourism sector which generates capital for the country.

Furthermore, the Ambassador touched upon global situations and conflicts, expressing a shared commitment to world peace. He mentioned the upcoming Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Summit in Burundi in 2024, extending an invitation to Mauritius to participate and contribute to the event.

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