Paul Bérenger and Rajesh Bhagwan suspended for the next six sessions

Paul Bérenger and Rajesh Bhagwan suspended for the next six sessions
Paul Bérenger and Rajesh Bhagwan suspended for the next six sessions

Africa-Press – Mauritius. Following virulent exchanges with the Speaker, opposition MPs Paul Bérenger and Rajesh Bhagwan were suspended for the next six sessions.

At the end of the parliamentary question on Navin Ramgoolam’s safes , virulent exchanges took place between the Speaker and the deputies.

The Speaker expelled them from the chamber and “named” them, before suspending the session.

Upon resumption, a motion was presented by the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, supported by the Deputy Prime Minister, Steven Obeegadoo. As a result, Paul Bérenger and Rajesh Bhagwan were suspended for the current session and the next six.

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