PM commends long-standing bonds between Mauritius and the People’s Republic of China

PM commends long-standing bonds between Mauritius and the People’s Republic of China
PM commends long-standing bonds between Mauritius and the People’s Republic of China

Africa-Press – Mauritius. The bonds of friendship and cooperation between Mauritius and the People’s Republic of China have withstood the test of time and, over the past five decades, China’s contribution to the socio-economic development of Mauritius has been constant and considerable.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, made this statement, yesterday, at the banquet dinner, marking the Spring Festival celebrations 2024, organised by the United Chinese Association at the Hua Lien Club in Trianon.

Personalities present at the event comprised: the President of the Republic of Mauritius, Mr Prithvirajsing Roopun; the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Housing and Land Use Planning, Minister of Tourism, Mr Louis Steven Obeegadoo; the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun; the spouse of the Prime Minister, Mrs Kobita Jugnauth, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Mauritius, Mr Liying Zhu, several Ministers, Members of the Mauritius National Assembly, and other eminent personalities.

The Prime Minister recalled that China was amongst the pioneers in establishing diplomatic relations with our country, and this strong relationship is based on friendship, mutual respect, and recognition of the fundamental principle of one China.

Highlighting that the bonds between our two countries are long-standing, he lauded the first Chinese workers who arrived in Mauritius in the 18th century and dared to venture out to settle in a country that was, at the time, foreign to them.

In addition, Mr Jugnauth underscored the significant contribution made by the Chinese community to the economic development of the country, adding that they have, likewise, been instrumental in consolidating cultural relations between our two peoples.

The strong political, commercial, and personal ties that unite our two countries have paved the way for a partnership built upon sincere amicable ties and pragmatic cooperation, he pointed out. The Prime Minister upheld that China has been consistently attentive and responsive to our Mauritius’s calls for assistance.

Our partnership, he observed, covers virtually every sector of the country’s activities, from the modernisation of the Port and the Airport infrastructure to the financing of the construction of social housing units, and the Côte d’Or National Sports Complex.

Acknowledging China’s invaluable support in our quest to complete the process of decolonisation of Mauritius and exercise our sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago, Mr Jugnauth reaffirmed that both countries are committed to strengthening this close collaboration and to working together to continue to build a prosperous and sustainable world for future generations.

Prime Minister Jugnauth further claimed that we must take inspiration from the wooden dragon, the Chinese astrology sign for the year 2024, adding that it represents the symbol of vitality, optimism, courage, and adventure, to encourage us to get off beaten tracks and explore new horizons.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister observed that the Chinese diaspora has had a huge contribution in shaping the cultural landscape of Mauritius, and underlined the concerted efforts of the Chinese Embassy in Mauritius and various associations in organising the national celebrations for Spring Festival each year.

On this note, he announced that, as part of a Cultural Agreement Programme, Mauritius will welcome a Chinese troupe comprising some 30 artists for a cultural show on Saturday 10 February 2024.

For his part, the Chinese Ambassador underlined that the participation of the Members of the Government in the celebration of the Chinese New Year bears testimony to the significance that the Chinese culture represents in Mauritius.

On this note, he reiterated the commitment of the People’s Republic of China to further reinforce the bilateral ties nurtured so long between both countries through cooperation and cultural exchanges as well as to continue to support Mauritius in times of uncertainty.

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