The alliance is established: how to minimize collateral damage?

The alliance is established: how to minimize collateral damage?
The alliance is established: how to minimize collateral damage?

Africa-Press – Mauritius. The two principals of the main political parties of the country are determined to address a certain number of subjects related to the introduction of an electoral reform and possibly the establishment in place of a Deuxième Republic.

The tenants and aboutists of this project are now very nebulous because, in the case of electoral reform, the Prime Minister has publicly stated his proposals, which, for example, have been circulated around a consensual platform.

The major element that permeates the flow rate is that it provides only the principle of assurance that the proclamation of the results of the selections, having the proportional intervention, on the saura that is definite vainqueur of selections ».

In other words, the proportionality of the pour, in the case of a figure, changes the result. It is recognized that conductors who wish for radical changes in their operating environment (whether to undertake or to pay) are motivated by the existence of an obvious difference between their profound aspirations and their realizations.

In the same case, the two conductors aspiring to one day at the same time signify a modernization of their electoral system in order to eliminate the most visible ones – de-communalization »of the Constitution and to prevent aberrations free from partial representation in Parliament in relation to the suffixes expressed during a selection.

Or, it’s too much for democracy, the only willingness of the chefs, which determines, is not suffocating for the realization of these projects. By setting the intentions and objectives of the conductors of the part where the load together is clear and net, it is different to prevent the chemistry which it directs towards the realization of these objectives.

This is because, paralyzed, it is short-circuited by virulent plutonic reactions to a certain number of partitions of its part, the leader of the MMM being marked on the back – which is a pen symbol.

There is no such thing as an “advance”, but there are some that arrive “after” the first bursts of the tempo, and it is actually retroactively within the cyclone. The political moment which, by all means, surprises all the components of the population while it is being ignited and unabashedly increased.

Calming through other trumpets during secret maneuvers (and not even after only political parties) must take place at a moment when the edges are particularly opaque.

A strong willingness of leaders and their staff to engage in the utilization of their contributing projects in order to maintain effective manner in overcoming obstacles and to implement the difficulties that are present in them.

Of course, it also says that the definitions are not cut and the projects are not elaborated in an institutional video. The context in which these actions are undertaken may contain contraindications that are required to be highly intelligent.

In the political domain, these contraindications are different in terms of – various groups of interests that are in competition within the same party;

– behavior of the individual who is affected by the way of manners
– whether or not there is public support for the project;

– the intensity and scope of the actions undertaken by the opponents of the project;

– public commitments and recent actions by the parties involved. It should also be emphasized that these elements are not necessarily independent of each other. A favorable or unfavorable public opinion can, for example, have a direct influence on the behavior of those concerned.

Navin Ramgoolam and Paul Bérenger will do their utmost to “sell” their project to the population as well as to those who must engage in the process leading to the outcome of the project, in particular, the deputies of the Assembly. national. They are going to have to find the right communication for the many groups they are reaching out to.

In addition to those who speak openly and put forward the reasons for their opposition to the proposals put forward, attentive observers will also have noted that a rather underhanded campaign has been launched in some quarters on barely avowed grounds.

However, the biggest challenge facing this exercise remains the point of articulation between the agreement on electoral reform and the proposed alliance between the Labor Party and the MMM.

For Labor supporters, these two elements are inseparable, that is, without an alliance there is no need for electoral reform (thus ignoring legal issues and another request of the United Nations Subcommittee , at the origin of the whole process).

For many activists, however, the equation looks quite different. One current among them even imagines the MMM going alone in the elections within the framework of a reformed electoral system. Their leader will have a lot to do to make them understand all the constraints of the “realpolitik” in which he is committed.

Hopefully, having seen others, he will be able to use the necessary arguments to convince them, even if a small tactical concession was noted in his last statement that all options remain open.

This circumstantial decline also serves his purposes in the ongoing negotiations with Navin Ramgoolam. As for the latter, his task promises to be no less complicated. He will have to deal with the fact that a number of his current elected officials will not be eligible for “tickets” for the next election.

However, his room for maneuver is greater insofar as he could legitimately assume the mantle of the tactician who has already achieved the first objective of ending the “Remake”.

Let us add that this famous dose of “mistrust” which, it seems, would exist among the leaders and supporters of the MMM vis-à-vis Navin Ramgoolam, is not reciprocal when it comes to his supporters who see much more advantages in a PTr-MMM alliance than threats.

The real constraints of Navin Ramgoolam are in reality those that he will impose on himself, keeping in mind the role and the historical roots of the struggle waged by his party as well as the imprint he wants to leave in the world.

‘History of the country.

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