The Global Biofuels Alliance officially launched – Mauritius among the initiators

The Global Biofuels Alliance officially launched - Mauritius among the initiators
The Global Biofuels Alliance officially launched - Mauritius among the initiators

Africa-Press – Mauritius. This was one of the priorities of the Indian Presidency at the 18th G20 Summit, to rally as many countries as possible around the global need to shift towards green energy.

The Global Biofuels Alliance is a joint initiative of India, Brazil and, the United States, and includes amongst its founding members, Mauritius, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa and, Italy.

It was officially launched in New Delhi by the Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, in the presence of several Heads of State and Government, including Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth and President Biden.

The Global Biofuels Alliance currently consists of nine founding members, although 19 countries and 12 international institutions have already announced their interest to integrate the alliance. The Global Biofuels Alliance has as objective to facilitate international cooperation regarding trade and research on sustainable biofuels.

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