Tourism: an occupancy rate of 40% of hotels expected in October

Tourism: an occupancy rate of 40% of hotels expected in October
Tourism: an occupancy rate of 40% of hotels expected in October

Africa-PressMauritius. A few days before the grand reopening of our borders, the final phase to start the recovery of the tourism sector, what is the trend in demand for the Mauritian destination on the sidelines of October 1? According to operators, employees who depend directly and indirectly on tourism – 100,000 people – can be optimistic.

This, despite the fact that Mauritius was classified in the fourth and final category of countries at “very high risk” of Covid-19 in the report of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published on September 13. As for the impact of this announcement on the Mauritian destination, sentiment is mixed for the moment.

However, during the Focus program of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), on September 22, on the theme of the reopening of borders, Jean-Michel Pitot, the president of the Association of Hoteliers and Restaurateurs of the island Maurice (AHRIM), said he welcomed the inclusion of Mauritius on the UK’s “Clear for travel” list.

In addition, he is confident about the tourist arrivals trend for October 1. Either 99% positive about the reopening. A study carried out a few weeks ago, he explains, indicated an occupancy rate below 30% in hotels.

But, it is now noted that the booking rate is increasing day by day as October approaches. So, “if for the entire month of October the occupancy rate is 40%, that would be a good score.

” He argues that it is timely to reopen at the start of the peak season. Eventually, the occupancy rate can increase to around 55% and 65% in November and more in December.

He says reaching 250,000 for the months of October, November and December is achievable. Much interest is noted from the UK, Germany and France and a good number of South Africans are expected in December.

Mauritians in the diaspora
Ajmal Tincowree, director of Shamal Travels Ltd, for his part, notes that the occupancy rate and reservations are more positive thanks to attractive offers having a good reputation among visitors.

He notes that there are also many Mauritians living abroad who return to visit their families or who have missed important events after 18 months of restrictions.

On the other hand, Jocelyn Kwok, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of AHRIM, also optimistic, announced last Wednesday to the press, following a meeting between private sector operators and the Minister of Finance on the sidelines of October 1, that it is possible that air services will reach more than 50% by December.

Among them, the twenty foreign airlines that serve Mauritius on a regular basis will set off for the Mauritian destination before December. For Umarfarooq Omarjee, Executive Director of Omarjee Aviation, the trend, after 18 months of closure, is positive.

“When we come out of a crisis, to see that we receive tourists, even if the quantity is not the same as in 2019, is encouraging.

” In addition, in the context of the quarantine only for visitors considered unvaccinated, he notes that the vaccination rate in Europe, one of our main markets, is positive and hopes that this will evolve positively.

But, explains our interlocutor, the recovery involves long-term work such as monitoring each market, revitalizing flights and the number of seats on the route and having visibility over the different countries.

Ajmal Tincowree concludes that “it is a good start” but emphasizes that “it is not overnight that the numbers will be the same as in 2019. It will take time”.


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