Nyusi calls on police to act in exemplary manner during elections

Nyusi calls on police to act in exemplary manner during elections
Nyusi calls on police to act in exemplary manner during elections

Africa-Press – Mozambique. Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi has called on the Mozambican Police (PRM) to act in an exemplary manner during the presidential, parliamentary and provincial elections scheduled for 9 October.

According to Nyusi, who was swearing Custódio Zandamela into office as the vice-chancellor of the Academy of Police Sciences (Acipol), on Monday, in Maputo, the Police must work in order to hold the elections in an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

“In a cosmopolitan society like ours, where people of different races, colors and ethnicities, different religions and party inclinations meet, the stance of the police is fundamental, if differences of opinion or action are to be respected and contribute to enriching the democratic fabric”, he said.

The President also congratulated the PRM on the occasion of its 49th anniversary, which took place on 17 March.

“Custódio Zandamela, a general on the reserve, list, has generational experience, and his appointment and inauguration respond to ACIPOL’s current challenges”, the President said.

Custódio Zandamela replaced José Mandra, who was ACIPOL chancellor for nine years.

“There were very difficult times when José Mandra ran ACIPOL and one of the things that struck me was that he managed at a time of the Covid-19 pandemic”. Nyusi said. Under Mandra. ACIPOL “trained many young people who are now making a difference in the police force”.

For his part, Zandamela said that “as vice-chancellor, I also have this mission of creating in the new generations of police commanders the spirit of good service and patriotism.”

At the ceremony, the general commander of the PRM, Bernardino Rafael, pledged that the Police will continue to fulfill their mission of guaranteeing public order, security and tranquility for Mozambicans with zeal and responsibility, without preconditions.

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