Papa Massata Diack to remain under detention

Papa Massata Diack to remain under detention
Papa Massata Diack to remain under detention

Africa-Press – Mozambique. The French attorney general has asked the Court of Appeal to uphold the conviction of Papa Massata Diack involved in a corruption scandal to hide Russian doping in sport.

The lawyers of Papa Massata Diack, son of the former head of world athletics Lamine Diack, pleaded Thursday for the release of their client tried before the Court of Appeal of Paris.

On Wednesday, the lawyer of the international federation, Mr. Régis Bergonzi, had denounced the body as a “banana organization” while it was headed by Lamine Diack between 1999 and 2015.

According to the official, the former director would have orchestrated, with his son and accomplices, a network of corruption to delay the procedures of sanctions against Russian athletes suspected of doping in late 2011, allowing some of them to participate in the London Olympics in 2012.

Lamine Diack and the former head of anti-doping at the IAAF, Frenchman Gabriel Dollé, have died since their convictions.

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