NALOBA condemns Alweendo’s statements on oil entitlement for Namibians

NALOBA condemns Alweendo’s statements on oil entitlement for Namibians
NALOBA condemns Alweendo’s statements on oil entitlement for Namibians

Africa-Press – Namibia. THE Namibia Local Businesses Association (NALOBA) has condemned a statement made by the Minister of Mines and Energy, Hon. Tom Alweendo, while addressing the Energy Conference on 24 April 2024, in Windhoek. In his statement, Alweendo remarked that some Namibians have an entitlement attitude towards the recent oil discoveries made in the country.

“NALOBA is shattered by the statement made by the Honorable Minister of Mines and Energy, Hon. Tom Alweendo, during the recently concluded Energy Conference in Windhoek, where he said, ‘Namibians should not feel entitled to oil and gas as natural resources but rather urging them to work hard and compete.’ He made this statement in front of a hall packed with Namibian entrepreneurs as well as potential foreign investors. This statement is not only cursing but threatening, unpatriotic, embarrassing, and insulting to the entire Namibian nation,” said Erastus Shapumba, the President of NALOBA.

He added that before anything else, every Namibian is entitled to their country’s natural resources, and the provisions are made very clear in the laws of the Republic.

“The above statement made by a leader trusted by the nation to protect them and their natural resources has exposed and embarrassed all the Namibian people to the foreign investors. Therefore, NALOBA appeals to Honorable Minister Tom Alweendo to publicly retract his statement and offer an apology to the Namibian nation within days from this release,” Shapumba said.

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