Brave Warriors leave for Congo

Brave Warriors leave for Congo
Brave Warriors leave for Congo

Africa-Press – Namibia. The Brave Warriors yesterday left for Brazzaville to acclimatise and touch base ahead of their vital 2022 Fifa World Cup second-round qualifier against Congo on Thursday at the Stade Alphonse Massemba-Débat.

Last month, the Warriors suffered back-to-back defeats against Senegal as their qualifying campaign hit a snag, but coach Bobby Samaria and his charges are determined to dust themselves off with a much-improved performance against Congo.

“They will be joined by the foreign-based players ahead of Thursday’s clash in Brazzaville. They then host Togo on 15 November at the Orlando Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa,” the Namibia Football Association (NFA) announced yesterday on their social media platforms.

Namibia and Congo played to a one-all draw at the Orlando Stadium on 2 September 2021, with Charles Hambira scoring at both ends. Senegal is currently topping Group H with 12 points, followed by Namibia and Togo, who are both on four points, while Congo sits bottom with two points.

Namibia has never qualified for the Fifa World Cup, but made three appearances in the Africa Cup of Nations in 1998, 2008 and 2019. The winners of Africa’s 10 qualifying groups will contest the World Cup qualifying play-offs in March next year to determine the continent’s five representatives to the 2022 Fifa World Cup finals in Qatar.

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