Geingob’s legacy will be a source of inspiration – Kuugongelwa-Amadhila

Geingob’s legacy will be a source of inspiration – Kuugongelwa-Amadhila
Geingob’s legacy will be a source of inspiration – Kuugongelwa-Amadhila

Africa-Press – Namibia. On 4 February 2024, Namibia woke up to the very sad news of the passing on of our president, his excellency Dr Hage Gottfried Geingob.

Since then the Namibian nation has been grappling with the tremendous pain and sorrow that followed the sudden departure of our president.

The shock of Dr Geingob’s sudden passing reverberated across the world, generating an outpouring of messages of sympathy and expressions of acknowledgment of and appreciation for Dr Geingob’s outstanding performance in the various capacities that he was entrusted with responsibilities, here at home, on the continent, and globally.

Today as we move closer to taking our departed president to his final resting place, we are comforted by the large outturn of mourners from across our country and the globe, who have joined us physically and virtually to memorialise him one last time before we escort him to his final resting place tomorrow.

I would like to recognise and appreciate the presence of heads of state and government, leaders of international organisations, and individuals from outside Namibia who are here today, as well as the messages of condolence and other support provided to us during this difficult period of mourning our departed president. Your support has been a source of strength for us.

The late Dr Hage G Geingob’s leadership was shaped by and during the struggle for our nation’s independence, which he joined at a youthful age and to which he dedicated his youth to.

The leadership of Swapo as a national liberation party spotted the exceptional leadership qualities of Dr Geingob and his passion for serving his people. They therefore mentored him, entrusting him with different important responsibilities, all of which he discharged with diligence and commitment.

His tasks ranged from representing Swapo of Namibia at the United Nations to mobilise international support for our struggle for independence, heading the United Nations Institute for Namibia, where Namibian future leaders and administrators were being moulded in preparation of self-governance after independence, leading the Swapo delegation from exile to participate in the United Nations supervised elections that led to our independence, being the director of elections for Swapo, chairing the Constituent Assembly that authored our Constitution and being the founding prime minister and then our third state president – a task which he performed until 4 February 2024, when death robbed us of him.

Dr Geingob built on the foundation set by the founding president, Dr Sam Nujoma, and the second president, Dr Hifikepunye Pohamba, who were his mentors and predecessors both at the party and government.

It is appropriate at this time to applaud their excellencies Dr Sam Nujoma, founding president and father of the Namibian nation, and Dr Hifikepunye Pohamba, the second president, who mentored the late Dr Hage G Geingob into these roles and entrusted him with responsibilities that developed his talents, preparing him to be the effective leader he was.

Although we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Geingob, we are comforted by the knowledge that his legacy will be a source of inspiration for us to continue to strive towards a prosperous and inclusive Namibia that respects the rule of law, democracy and peaceful coexistence with others around the world – values he cherished.

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