We’re knocking on State House door – Itula

We’re knocking on State House door – Itula
We’re knocking on State House door – Itula

Africa-Press – Namibia. Independent Patriots for Change leader Panduleni Itula says the writing is in the stars, and his army of patriots is destined for State House.

Itula, a dentist-turned-politician, is confident that his party will clinch the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections hands down.

This is so because he says the IPC has grown in leaps and bounds to garner decisive numbers at the polls.

Itula is also looking forward to a phone call from President Nangolo Mbumba, congratulating him on his expected victory on 28 November 2024.

The aspiring head of state made these remarks over the weekend while launching his campaign (or commandos in the IPC dictionary) in Kavango East’s regional capital Rundu on Saturday.

The commandos are responsible for recruiting new members.

“If they don’t want to join us, thank them and walk away. Do not invade their dignity and their privacy; advise them that this is your last chance to vote for a party that will serve you. Tell the young people, do not betray the blood that waters our freedom, do not betray those who sacrificed their lives for the independence that we so deserve,’’ he stated.

“I salute you now to go and recruit, and to make absolutely sure that you beat the troops in Oshana. Yesterday alone, they recruited 776 new members to this party.

This is why this party is growing every day, and it is why in the IPC, we are proud to be the leadership that is serving our people and are prepared to govern this country,” Itula said.

He further vowed that the IPC will ensure that only individuals with Namibian identity documents participate in the upcoming elections.

“We know we have to re-register again as voters, and that is because of the IPC. We know that we will now need to vote with our IDs and voter cards because the IPC told the ECN that voting is reserved only for citizens. It is the citizens who are allowed to vote, and when you go out to the people, you need to explain that from 3 June to 1 August, every single one of them has to register as a voter with their ID. Then, on 27 November, we shall all be the first to vote,” he reasoned.

Itula again urged all the IPC members, especially the youths to participate in the electoral process.

“I want the youth to vote within the first five hours of those ballot boxes opening – and on 28 November at 18h00, I will take the phone and call his excellency Dr Nangolo Mbumba and ask him one question: why are you not congratulating me? That will be the question that we shall ask all Namibians: why are you not congratulating yourself? But for us to ask that question, you will have to work even harder.”

“And you, commandos, I want you to take pride in your youth because in the 70s when I was as young as you are, as Johnny Walker, I walked longer distances than you do. I want you to walk on your feet, and make sure that you recruit over 3 000 people today through rain and sunshine. I march you all to go and recruit; that is your command – to go and recruit, and make sure that 27 November is in the hands of the IPC,” he continued.

Itula told his followers: “We are only working on how much; it is not whether we will win the elections. The IPC is determined; this is the end of the last nail in the coffin of the looting party, Swapo. The hunger and lack of employment – these are symptoms of a failed administration”.

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