CBN governor Emefiele expresses optimism Buhari will appoint ministers on time

Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele, has said President Muhammadu Buhari will not delay in appointing new ministers so as to help monetary policies thrive in the country.
Emefiele, who admitted that appointing ministers is a difficult task, said he is optimistic that President Buhari would do what Nigerians want, Vanguard reports. notes that Emefiele said: “It is important for me to say that the decision to reconstitute or appoint ministers, I must confess I don’t have all the details.

“But I do know it is not an easy one given the fact that the president must go through finding suitable and hardworking people that can work for the country from at least the 36 states of the country. It is not an easy task but I am optimistic that since you have called for it, you will get what you want.”

Recall that after President Buhari was sworn in as president in May 29, 2015, he did not appoint his ministers till his administration was six months.

Meanwhile, previously reported that President Muhammadu Buhari said that his decision to retain cabinet ministers in the last three and half years in spite of pressures from some quarters was because of their unique skill, strength and leadership qualities.

The president made this known during a valedictory session of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) held at the presidential villa, Abuja, on Wednesday, May 22.

The president observed that the ministers, who exhibited spirit of team work, were more rational in taking decisions aimed at tackling the numerous challenges facing the country.

President Buhari described the cabinet members as “a reflection of the Nigeria we aspire to achieve”.

He said: “You will recall that when we started this journey, our country was facing numerous challenges.

“We inherited a broken economy which eventually went into recession in the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2016. The situation was further compounded by insecurity and massive corruption.

“Many would have given up. Indeed, many outside commentators said our situation was well nigh hopeless. However, we all came together and pushed forward to deliver our campaign promise to rescue our country from its parlous state.


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