COVID-19 patient gives birth in Oyo isolation centre


Africa Press-Nigeria:

Oyo State has recorded the first delivery of a COVID-19 patient at the Infectious Disease Centre, Olodo, Ibadan.

This is as nineteen new cases returned positive while two deaths were recorded.

Chairman, State Task Force Governor Seyi Makinde gave the update on Saturday.

While noting that the new baby and mother are both doing well, Governor Makinde said the latest death brings to 14 the number of casualties recorded in the state.

He said “We had our first Covid-19 patient delivery at the Infectious Disease Centre, Olodo. Mother and baby are doing well.

“The Covid-19 confirmation tests for nineteen suspected cases came back positive.

“The cases are from Ibadan South East (3), Ibadan North (3), Akinyele (3), Lagelu (2), Oluyole (2), Ibadan North West (2), Egbeda (1), Ido (1), Ona Ara (1) and Oyo East (1) Local Government Areas.

“So, the total number of confirmed cases in Oyo State today is 1451.

“Sadly, we had two Covid-19 related deaths. So, the total number of deaths in Oyo State is fourteen.”


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