NEW MINIMUM WAGE: No agreement reached yet with govt on consequential adjustment —NLC


The Nigerian Labour Congress, (NLC) Yobe State Council has revealed that no agreement has been reached with the Federal Government on consequential adjustment for Grade level 07 to 14 in the civil service.

This was revealed on Tuesday in a statement issued by the Acting Secretary of the State Council, Comrade Yusuf Alhaji Isah who informed that senior civil servants would not have their salaries increased in February following a meeting with government which ended in deadlock.

While calling on civil servants particularly those on glade level 07 to 14 to be patient with the issue of new minimum wage, Isah urged affected officers to bear with the situation as they will receive February salaries with no increment.

“NLC Yobe State Council is calling on civil servants to remain calm and keep praying for the full implementation of the consequential adjustment in the state.

“The labour and government sides had meeting yesterday, Monday, but no agreement reached on consequential adjustment and this led to the adjournment of the meeting till a later date,” the statement noted.

The development comes days after the Adamawa State Government lashed out at the Organised Labour, made up of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Trade Union Congress (TUC) and State Public Service Negotiation Council (SPSNC), for threatening to down tools over minimum wage for senior civil servants in the state.

The state Commissioner of Information and Strategy, Dr Umar Pella, in a statement issued last Friday while reacting to the threat expressed his dismay at what it described as a rather rude and aggressive tone by the NLC in pursuit of its legitimate demands.

Reacting further, Pella said that the ‘hard line’ position was uncalled for as he believes that as a partner in the progress of the state, organised labour can do and say better in trying to get the matter at hand resolved.


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