Pastor Bakare reveals enemies of Nigeria


The general overseer of the Latter Rain Assembly, Pastor Tunde Bakare has listed what he described as the true enemies in Nigeria.

According to Bakare, the true enemies of Nigeria are found in every level of government, from the local to the state to the federal levels, and in every arm of government in Nigeria.

He said those who partake of the loot and those who celebrate looters are the true enemies among the people.

Here are 19 enemies of Nigeria as listed by Bakare

1. Nigeria true enemies are found at every level of government

2. Nigeria enemies are found in can also be found on the streets, in households and in the marketplace.

3. Those who choose to be spectators while the nation goes down the drain on their watch

4. Those perverts on the pulpit who hide under togas of godliness to manipulate the vulnerable

5. Those who partake of loot and celebrate looters from the same ethnic group or religious organisation

6. Those who say of the looters, “We know say na thief, but this thief na our thief.”

8. Those who place excruciating multiple tax burdens on often defenceless Nigerians in local governments

9. State governments that feed fat on unaccounted-for security votes

10. Those who connive with zonal political oligarchs to personalise and privatise the state

11. Those who deploy the force of state to quell dissent

12. Those power-drunk state officials are the true enemies of Nigeria

13. Those who have perverted their influence and turned states within their zones of influence into personal estates.

14. The political puppeteers who rig the system to enthrone their stooges and use them to corner resources and opportunities.

15. Those who mastermind vote-buying

16. Those who engineer outbreaks of political violence.

17. The judges who pervert justice and auction judgements to the highest bidder.

18. The legislators who rob the nation “under the guise of constituency projects” and are quick to pass laws that undermine our national freedoms, thereby threatening our national stability.


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