Runsewe becomes Africa-China Culture Exchange Society Chairman


Olusegun Runsewe, Director General National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC) and President, Africa region of the World Crafts Council (WCC), has been appointed chairman, Africa-China Culture Exchange Society (ACCEAS).

Runsewe who in two years has changed the narratives of Nigeria’s cultural economy and fostered strategic cultural exchange among African nations through multi-cultural marketing platform, was chosen by the global body for his visionary leadership in fronting Africa Arts and Crafts, for driving an excellent cultural exchange platform between African countries and the People’s Republic of China.

The ACCAES Chairmanship position which is for a duration of five years, is expected to help solidify and redefine the values of African Culture, Arts and Crafts in the eyes of the Chinese with intent to create not only a viable and thriving cultural market between Africa and China but substantially to increase the China tourism traffic to Africa.

Speaking on the appointment, Runsewe commended the Africa China Exchange Society for finding him credible to improve the fortunes of the progressive body in Africa and promised not to disappoint the culture community in both countries.

He explained that his position as Africa Region President of World Craft Council, is added advantage and would provide the needed insight to navigate the huge cultural map of Africa and China.

“As ever, I am determined to put my heart to this initiative and the vision behind the formation of the organization. We have the products, the markets and will power to collaborate with China to bring the people of both continents together and empower them.”

NCAC, NASS empower Nigerians

Meanwhile, the National Council for Arts and Culture(NCAC) in collaboration with the National Assembly is taking its Waste-to-Wealth empowerment initiative to several states in Nigeria starting with Edo and Ekiti.

The scheme which has been a major part of Otunba Segun Runsewe’s policy thrust since assumption of duty as Director-General, saw constituents of two communities in Edo and Ekiti benefit from training in several areas like, bead making, local shoe and bag production using adire fabric, production of perfume and local drinks such as zobo and kunu amongst others.

The idea of the programme is to expose Nigerians to the business of waste management, recycling, and conversion of used items into viable economic materials to ensure income generation and economic prosperity.

The benefiting constituencies include Iyekogba/Oredo Federal Constituency in Edo State with Hon. Ogbeide Ihama as Representative and Hon. Awodumila representing Emure Gboyin Ekiti East Local Government, Ekiti South Federal Constituency.

The NCAC/NASS empowerment scheme is expected to cover all the states in the federation including the FCT in line with the constituency project initiatives of memebers of the National Assembly.


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