The one Year administration of Abba Kabir Yusuf in Kano state is a total failure – Kano State APM chairman Nuhu Idris

The one Year administration of Abba Kabir Yusuf in Kano state is a total failure - Kano State APM chairman Nuhu Idris
The one Year administration of Abba Kabir Yusuf in Kano state is a total failure - Kano State APM chairman Nuhu Idris

Abba Hamisu SanI

Africa-Press – Nigeria. Honourable Nuhu Idris is the state Secretary of the Inter-Party Advisory Council IPAC and Kano State Chairman of the Allied People’s Movement -APM, one of the opposition Parties in Nigeria.

In this Inview with Africa Press, the politician speaks about the 12 months of the New Nigeria People Party’s administrators in Kano State under the governor Abba Kabir Yusuf.

The IPAC Secretary described the government as a total failure and disappointment to the state.

Africa Press -As President Ahmed Bola Tinubu is celebrating his first year in office on May 29th this year, many Nigerian governors are also celebrating their first year in office as newcomers particularly the governor of Kano state Abba Kabir Yusuf. What is your general assessment of this 12-month administration of the NNPP government in Kano State?

IPAC Secretary – The one-year administration of NNPP in Kano state is a hundred percent total failure. Is a failure to the Kano State people because if you look at the situation today, the NNPP government has nothing to show, has no projects on the ground or development educationally, economically and socially or interns of a infrastructures,nothing to show in one year of the administration of Abba Kabir Yusuf as the governor.

“If you look at the educational history of Kano State ,this year our children who took qualifying examination over 80 per cent of that students have failed ,only 20 per cent or 15 per cent that government is going to sponsored their West African Examination Council (WAEC) or National Examination Council – NECO fees because WAEC has already closed their registration only NECO that is available and it has never happened.

So to me educationally one year of Abba Kabir Yusuf as the governor of Kano State is a total failure.And if you look at the situation now we are facing there is no portable drinking water in the State ,people are suffering any where people are suffering no water ,so people are buying it in most of the communities. people are buying one jerrican of water at 150 naira ,some communities 100 naira per jerrican,so it is a total failure “the IPAC secretary said.

Africa Press – Recently there is many issues in Kano State ranging from the establishment of the committee of inquiry against the former governor of the state Abdullahi Umar Ganduje and his family ,another one is the issue of the review of the Kano Emirate Council law that established 5 Emirates council in the state.What is your take on this do you think is what Kano people need at this time Particularly reinstating Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as the Emir of Kano by removing Aminu Ado Bayero?

To me bringing Emir Muhammadu Sanusi back as the Emir of Kano is not the best way because the people of Kano State are now supporting Emir Aminu Ado Bayero, so to me what the governor or engineer Kwankwaso is doing is just to bring confusion in the Emirate as Aminu Ado Bayero and Muhammadu Sanusi the second are from the same family, they have to understand this, so I don’t want to a situation whereby the good people of Kano State will retaliate back. So I am not supporting this, if I were Muhammadu Sanusi the second I would tell Kwankwaso that I don’t need that seat anymore because Aminu Ado is my brother but you know any person that comes from the royal family needs to be an Emir so this is it. Kwankwaso should have left the Kano people about the issue of bringing back Muhammadu Sanusi as an Emir. This is my Suggestion.

Africa Press- As one year of the NNPP’s government under Abba Yusuf has gone, what is your expectation in the second year of his administration?

To me, the governor of Kano State Abba Kabir Yusuf should focus his second year on providing development projects because next year elections will be around the corner, politicking will be kick-started, campaigns, this and that. So people need to see more projects on the ground and should avoid what has happened his year, you know demolition of people’s properties and many other things, so to me, they have to focus in the second year on how to economically bring back Kano as one of the most important economic city in Nigeria, so they have focus on this, they have to bring more job opportunities to our youths, focus on rehabilitating our schools and good health care system to the good people of Kano State.

Africa Press -What is your view about the huge amount of funds spent in purchasing exotic Cars for the Kano state House of Assembly members during this critical economic period?

The Kano state APM Chairman- When I saw the news about the purchasing of these vehicles to the Assembly members in Kano State I laughed because because when Abba Kabir Yusuf was sworn in as the governor of Kano State he made a promise to provide free education to our Children in Kano

in Kano state. To me, instead of buying these vehicles, why don’t the Kano state government use that money to rehabilitate the schools we have, why don’t the Kano State government use that money to pay for our children’s NECO Examination for this year? So there are a lot of things that the Assembly members have forgotten or the Kano state government has forgotten. All the state Assembly members have their official cars, so why don’t they use that instead of taking people’s money to buy new vehicles for them? They have to advise the governor of what is needed now, to me the government has gone wrong instead of putting 2.6 or 7 billion naira to buy vehicles for the Assembly members, the money should be used for other projects to the benefit of the people of Kano State.

Africa Press -What is your take on the other 4 Emirates scraped by the Kano state government?

Honourable Nuhu Idris – Anything about the five Emirates issue is not what the people of Kano State needed at this time around and creating Emirates is a development, if you go to Bichi, K’araye, Gaya, and Rano, you will see a lot of changes because the past government has introduced new developments to that areas.

“I believe that in the Emirates councils many people who got jobs are now employees, many people are employed there and the past government has built specialist hospitals in K’araye, in Gaya, in Ran,o and Bichi, this is a development. And if you look at our neighboring states like Jigawa they have five Emirates, if you go to Gombe, the Emirates in Gombe are around 12 or 13 Emirs, if you go to Zamfara, I think they have more than 14 Emirs and all are first class, Emirs..So creating a new Emirates brings development to the people, let us look at this. If a President of Nigeria is paying a working visit to Kano State, the President will visit all the Emirs and at that visit, the Emirs will lay out their complaints and will request projects from the Federal government for their Emirates development.

This time around if these 4 Emirates are demolished many people will cry. There was a time we visited the Emir of K’araye during political campaign towards the 2023 elections ,the Emir was pleading onbehalf of his Emirate to our gubernatorial candidate,if our candidate succeeded this is what they want ,they need so and so projects ,they need this and this projects ,you see and the Emir said there are around 500 people that got employed in the Emirate council ,so the Emir was very proud of this because people now have job to do to take care of their families,so if these Emirates now demolished by the government of Kano State, I think many people will suffer ,they may lost their jobs ,they will became unemployed ,they will become idle ,seating with out doing anything at home ,so to me is not what the Kano people needed at this time ,what they needed at this time around for NNPP government to do is to bring developmental projects as there are many places or local governments that needs roads for example if you are going to the headquarters of Albasu local government that is Albasu town ,you will suffer because they don’t have road ,a very bad road ,if you go to our schools in the villages ,the schools totally looks bad because must of the buildings don’t have roofings ,they don’t have black boards and other needed facilities ,the pupils are seating on the grounds,they don’t have tables and chairs to seat ,where they may write their notes comfortably ,they don’t have these ,and if you go to many of the local governments they don’t have water ,people are suffering over getting water ,some from their town they may travelled to up to five to ten kilometres before they get water for their daily usage” the Kano state APM Chairman said.

However Nuhu Idris also expressed that IPAC is not an opposition Organization because all the political parties in Nigeria are members of IPAC including NNPP , so he said that he is expressing his views as the chairman of the Allied People’s Movement Kano State chapter.

He added that his party as an opposition at the Kano State and national level will continue to provide constructive opposition as IPAC is an advisory council with all political parties in Nigeria as members, he stressed.

He said he is not criticizing any political party on behalf of IPAC but he stated that his opposition is on behalf of APM because it stands as an opposition party to APC, PDP, and NNPP but IPAC is a body that is coordinating all the political parties.

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