Unemployment Becoming Vicious Disease Under Buhari Regime -Chris Ngige


Dr. Chris Ngige, Nigeria’s Minister of Labour and Productivity, Dr.
Chris Ngige, has said the country is on the verge of being consumed by
social unrest due to increasing rate of employment in the country.

Ngige, who spoke in Enugu at the weekend, stated that Nigeria would
become like Venezuela if the country does not begin to tackle
unemployment immediately.

The minister highlighted insecurity and unemployment as major symptoms
of a failing country noting that the two plagues Nigeria.

He said, “So, unemployment is growing into a big cankerworm. It is
growing into a very vicious disease condition that has given rise to a
lot of anti-social behaviours.

“The symptoms are there. Boko Haram is a symptom of unemployment in
Nigeria. IPOB is a symptom of unemployment and desperation and people
getting frustrated. Same goes for banditry in the North-West. Samegoes for kidnapping all over the country. Avengers – the destruction of oil pipelines, OPC – all these are symptoms of very serious
underlying disease condition called unemployment.

“All arsenals, everything will be put into place, so that we can fight
unemployment. Otherwise, it will consume everybody. It will consume me
and you.

“It is already showing when you are in traffic and people are knocking
on your car window to ask you to give them your phone. If you don’t
give them, they will attack you. “That is the big malaise.”

Ngige, however, stated that President Muhammadu Buhari-led
administration is tackling the two issues and would fashion a way out,
DailyTrust reports.


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