Covid-19 disrupted Constitution review process —Omo-Agege

Covid-19 disrupted Constitution review process —Omo-Agege
Covid-19 disrupted Constitution review process —Omo-Agege

Africa-PressNigeria. Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege says the outbreak of the COVID-19 in 2020 halted the plans of the National Assembly from carrying out the long awaited constitution review process.

In his new year message on Friday, December 1, Omo-Agege, who is also the Chairman of the Senate Ad-hoc Committee on Constitution Review, said the coronavirus pandemic “disrupted our earlier plans to have the constitution alteration bills voted on sometime in December last year.”

The Delta Central Senatorial district representative however, added that the National Assembly was not relenting and is working round the clock to get the review done on time.

He further assured Nigerians that the Senate would be fair to all, while efforts are being made to ensure the report of the panel would be ready in record time.

In the statement signed by his Special Assistant on Media, Yomi Onanuga, Omo-Agege said:

“Consequently, we will have those votes taken on each of these bills separately in the not too distant time.”

While wishing Nigerians a happy and prosperous new year, the Senator urged everyone to use the new year to renew their commitment to collective prosperity, growth and development by contributing more to nation building.

He also stressed the need for citizens to continue to demonstrate love and exhibit compassion towards one another.

He acknowledged the resilience and perseverance of Nigerians in the midst of the socio-economic difficulties in 2020, occasioned by the novel coronavirus pandemic and urged them to reignite their undying spirit and enter the new year with vigour and hope.

”COVID-19 has upended the global economy with its devastating effects not only on health, but on domestic economies and multilateral trade, cooperation and aid.

“It has led to recession in various countries, killed over a million people and wiped out millions of jobs.

“We are also confronted with security challenges in most parts of the country.

“As Nigerians, we stand together, confident that we shall again overcome these challenges. Our ability to overcome our challenges collectively has never been in doubt; what we need now more than ever is to galvanize these unique qualities for the good of all.

“As a people, we must continue to imbibe the spirit of togetherness and love for one another. We must also support the government at all levels by contributing our quota to the generation of wealth and the alleviation of poverty in the land.

“I firmly believe that we are on course to true greatness. Let us keep hope alive as we renew our collective resolve to ensure that the dreams and labour of our heroes’ past are transformed into a better future for succeeding generations.”



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