Gov Bago knocks Bida LG chairman for failing to perform to expectation

Gov Bago knocks Bida LG chairman for failing to perform to expectation
Gov Bago knocks Bida LG chairman for failing to perform to expectation

Africa-Press – Nigeria. Niger State governor, Mohammed Umar Bago, has knocked Bida Local Government Area chairman, Malam Bala Shaba, for allegedly not performing up to the expectations of the electorate of the council area.

Bago stated this at a meeting organised for stakeholders in Bida Local Government Area during his four-day official working visit to Niger South Senatorial District (Zone A) in Bida.

He stated that the council chairman of Bida, who assumed office in late 2022 without completing a single project, has failed to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people while warning against incompetence.

Speaking further on the abysmal performance of Shaba while addressing the people of Kutigi, Lavun LGA, at the end of the flag-off visit of 67 km roads, he urged him to wake from slumber and do the needful for the betterment of his people and Bida Local Government Area as a whole.

The governor then directed Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs Hamidu Mu’azu Jantabo to subsequently double the monthly allocation for LGAs to help them embark on more people-oriented projects in their localities.

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