Reps consider bill to ensure President-elect forms cabinet within 30 days of inauguration

Reps consider bill to ensure President-elect forms cabinet within 30 days of inauguration
Reps consider bill to ensure President-elect forms cabinet within 30 days of inauguration

Africa-PressNigeria. The House of Representatives has passed for second reading a bill to provide a timeframe for a president-elect to appoint ministers.

The bill seeks to, among other things, ensure that a president forms his cabinet within 30 days of his or her swearing-in.

The bill, sponsored by Kpam Sokpo of Benue State, was passed on Tuesday following a debate by the lawmakers.

According to Sokpo, the bill seeks to provide a legal framework for the transition of the president and vice-president.

It would be recalled that President Muhamadu Buhari took over six months to appoint ministers in 2015.

Supporting the bill, the Minority Leader, Toby Okechukwu from Enugu State, said it will end the mischief of presidents and governors taking too long to appoint ministers or commissioners for states as the case may be.

“In 2015, we lost about six months due to the fact that our cabinet was formed late by the President. It happened again in 2019,” he said.

The bill was referred to the House Committee on Special Duties for further legislative functions.


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