Terrorists will be disgraced in 2021 – Buratai assures Nigerians

Terrorists will be disgraced in 2021 – Buratai assures Nigerians
Terrorists will be disgraced in 2021 – Buratai assures Nigerians

Africa-PressNigeria. The Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Tukur Buratai has assured that the Nigerian Army will shame and disgrace the Boko Haram and the Islamic States for West African Province (ISWAP) terrorists in 2021.

Buratai gave the assurance at a sit-out night to usher in the 2021 New Year at the TY Buratai Institute for War and Peace, Buratai in Biu Local Government Area of Borno State.

He disclosed that the Nigerian troops were committed to decisively dealing with all forms of insecurity in Nigeria.

Buratai advised the troops to work with more discipline and courage to solve the nation’s security problem and win the confidence of Nigerians.

He also promised that the Nigerian army officers and men would enjoy a lot of welfare packages in 2021.

“2021 will be very optimistic, totally different with a remarkable difference from 2020.

“I want you to see this task as a challenge which must be done because we are the one that can do it and because Nigerians believe in us that we can do it.

“You should go into the year with full conviction that we can do better to address the insecurity in our country,” he said.


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